Archives For wisdom

How to Age Gracefully from Andrew Norton on Vimeo.

I subscribe to Seth Godin’s blog and Simon Sinek’s Blog which includes a subscription to Sinek’s Notes to Inspire and as a result I receive a regular email from both of these thought leaders that offers either a short quote or statement that is inspiring and motivating. In addition I have read several of Godin’s books and have recently read Sinek’s book Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action and am about to start reading his latest book Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t and am continually impressed with these thinkers insights. After receiving these daily posts for the last couple of years I appreciate their ability to continually put out such helpful information.

I also realize that you don’t need to write novels, short stories or even paragraphs to get your ideas across: sometimes the most powerful thoughts and ideas are stated in a just a few sentences. So this morning when I read Godin’s post Two ways to listen, I realized that we may all have the ability to be as insightful.

You can listen to what people say, sure.

But you will be far more effective if you listen to what people do.

Godin, 2014

The two ways post resonated with me because I have been saying something very similar for the past 20 plus years. Consider and compare Godin’s statement to the following:

A man is not judged by his spoken word but by his unspoken word.

Harapnuik, 1993

After doing a quick google search I learned that these words are unique to me, Dwayne Harapnuik. Obviously the idea is not unique but the words and the way they are put together to convey the meaning are unique.

I have come to two realizations. First, I often like a saying, quote or an idea because it either corresponds or reinforces one of my own ideas. Second and perhaps even more important–I have some good ideas and insights that I should be sharing.

We don’t need to be a best selling author to have something important to say and to share–we just need to be focused and passionate and our ideas can help others. Furthermore, the biggest difference with between most of us who have these good ideas and thought leaders or best selling authors is that until we put those ideas out there we won’t have the opportunity to become a thought leader or a best selling author.